Grape punnets Apple punnets Mashroom punnets Fruit Punnet

2018-09-28 924
As part of a supermarket packaging change, seedless grape supplier has installed a high-speed heat sealing machine that works with the company’s existing pre-printed film, avoiding the need for any costly redesign.

We purchased a twin-lane Eclipse TL6 heat sealing machine from Packaging Automation(PA). The machine is capalbe of sealing up to 200 packs a minute.

The introduction of the tray sealing machine has allowed the company to upgrade its packaging from flow wrapping to heat-sealed grape punnets.

The change has provided cost and environmental benefits combined with greater efficiency and reduced downtime.

The new line is said to provide a consistent seal on all packs produced at a rate of more than 140 packs a minute.

Tool changeovers on the eclipse TL6 can be done manually in less than two minutes as a result of an onbuilt tool loading system. Tool warm ups are also 36% quicker.