The Custom Tray: Fabrication and Utilization

2019-12-11 2252

Our goal is to provide unrivaled customer service to all manufacturers of small parts across the country. We strive to provide our customers with a simple process to explain their packaging needs and have us design, produce, and ship any requirement without delay and without a multitude of concessions or allowances.

We also want our products to be received by our customers in excellent condition, “as expected” and ready for immediate use. We want our customers to expect and receive problem-free products and services and place custom tray at the top of their preferred vendor list.

We design, tool, and produce compartment custom trays for storage, product production, assembly line presentation, and facility-to-facility shipping. Our customers include manufacturers of electrical components, medical devices, basic machined metal pieces, optical lenses, and critical injection molded assemblies.

We maintain a robust in-house inventory of raw materials in various thickness to solve a wide array of packaging specifications, including FDA approved, ESD and anti-static abilities, sterilization processes, opaque or clear, disposable, or reusable. Gauge ranges are from .0075 to .200” to meet a wide range of demands.

This article comes from customformedtray edit released
