The Definitive Guide To Finding Your Ideal Bento Box

2018-12-11 866

Whether it’s for being more heathy or saving money, the number of bento users has been increasing rapidly throughout the world. But because there are so many types of bento boxes on the market, many people are having trouble knowing which is the best bento box for them. It’s important that you use one thats in an appropriate size for your diet, or else you will not be able to gain enough energy from your lunch. There are also other factors such as material and functions that you must consider to pick out your ideal bento box for your lifestyle.


Bento boxes (Japanese ones) are usually sold in variety of sizes with increments of 100ml. The amount a person eats per meal differs greatly depending on their age and daily activity level. There is a way to calculate approximately how large your bento box should be. You can use the table as a basic reference in choosing the right size bento box for you.


Now that you know how big your bento box should be, next let’s look at the three most popular materials that bento boxes are made of. Each material has its own characteristics and will be a factor that you would want to carefully think about before buying a bento box. For example, if you wanted a bento box that is easy to wash, easy to fit in a business bag, and keeps the food delicious, a slim heat retaining type that is made of plastic or metal might be your best choice.

This article comes from basictokyo edit released
